Discover the ultimate in skincare luxury with Oh Ghee's Face Serum. This luxurious age-old Ayurvedic skin care secret will help stimulate collagen production and moisturize deep into your skin to reduce fine lines and dark spots. Our unique blend of ingredients all register a zero on the comedogenic scale, ensuring they won't clog even the most sensitive pores. Experience the radiant, youthful glow that only Oh Ghee can provide, all while embracing the rich traditions of Ayurvedic wellness. Transform your skincare routine today with the pure, nourishing power of ghee.
Ghee Face Serum
INGREDIENTS: organic ghee, organic shea butter, organic hemp seed oil, organic sunflower oil, squalane oil, organic arrowroot powder. essential oils from davana, orange, grapefruit, & sandalwood.
DIRECTIONS: Apply to clean face and neck in the morning and at night.
PRODUCT SIZE: 2.2 ounces